Packaging films are highly important for your products and business. These films offer safety and brand appeal to your products. But, selecting the best packaging film for your requirements can be challenging. In this blog, we have explained the four parameters to identify the best packaging film supplier.   

1.Look for quality 

While looking for the best packaging film supplier quality should be on the top of your checklist. However, your procurement manager might overlook this point and purchase poor quality packaging films. Such films might save you money but could be potentially dangerous for your business.  

Your procurement manager should always look for quality of packaging films offered by the supplier. Moreover, the supplier must offer high quality packaging films at affordable prices.    

2.Look for security 

You should always look for the aspect of security while looking for packaging film manufacturers. A dubious packaging film supplier will not provide security features in the packaging films.  

Your procurement manager should always look for different kinds of security features in the packaging films. Some of the most common security features include holography and digital authentication features.  

3.Look for affordability 

Many packaging film suppliers can dupe you and supply poor quality packaging films at high prices. Besides packaging there are a lot of other things which you have to spend on, therefore selecting a supplier who offers packaging films at affordable costs is important 

Your procurement manager should always stay away from suppliers who offer products that are too costly or too cheap. He or she must look for solutions that are available at affordable prices.   

4.Look for aesthetics  

Packaging films that look dull and bland are a big no for your business. You should always choose those suppliers that offer attractive designs and features in the packaging films. A packaging film with aesthetics will increase your sales and business growth.  

Moreover, highly aesthetic packaging films have the quality to catch the eyeballs of your end-consumer and retain the current ones. 

Holostik is an industry leader in providing high-quality packaging films to different industries. We offer customized solutions as per your specific requirements. 

To know more about our packaging films call us on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at  

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Packaging films are used for multiple applications in different industries. You can select from a wide variety of packaging options for your products, however, packaging films fulfill your multiple requirements. In this blog, we have explained the four main qualities to look for in holographic packaging films.    

1. Durability

Poor quality packaging films can get easily damaged in the supply chain. Such films don’t offer protection to the products and make them highly susceptible to tampering, adulteration, and duplication. Your procurement team may skip to check the durability of the packaging films. This can be harmful to your products and profits.  

Your procurement team should always give a high priority to the aspect of durability in packaging films. A highly durable packaging film flawlessly secures the product and instills confidence in the end consumer that the product is safe. 

2. Affordability

If a packaging film doesn’t suit your budget, then it’s of no use. Your procurement team should analyze the quality and other factors relative to the costs. If the film is too costly or too cheap it is wise to avoid it.   

Your procurement team should always check for packaging films that are of supreme quality at affordable prices. Such films are best for your product and your business.  

3. Security

While you may consider a lot of factors before purchasing a packaging film, product security should be kept high on the priority. Your products are always susceptible to duplication, tampering, adulteration, etc. and this can give you sleepless nights. However, packaging solutions with security features can be the ideal solution. 

Your procurement team should always check for the elements of security in the packaging films. These can include holography, overt features, covert features, etcPackaging films with holography can offer optimum security to the product against counterfeiting.    

4. Aesthetics

Whatsoever may be the price, quality and security features of the packaging films, aesthetics matter most when it comes to attracting consumers. A poor packaging makes the product look unattractiveIt brings down the sales of your products and may lead down to a drop-down in profits. 

You should always choose a packaging film that has inbuilt aesthetics to attract your consumers. Your procurement team should check for design patterns and vibrant holographic features in the packaging films.       

Holostik is a frontrunner in providing high-quality holographic packaging films to different industries. We cater customized holographic films with security features like nano-optical images, covert features, etc.  

To know more about our holographic packaging films call us on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at 

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There are many manufacturers who require induction sealing wads for their product packaging. Used mostly in industries like pharma, FMCG and cosmetics, wads are gaining immense popularity for the number of benefits they provide.

In this blog, we list down three strong reasons why you should consider the use of holographic induction sealing wads for your products instead of non-holographic ones.

1. Secures your product from tampering and duplication

As a manufacturer of bottled goods, you are more likely to face duplication of your products. This non-perceived risk could be further raised by not paying proper attention to brand protection in packaging (in an attempt to reduce costs).

However, if you are avoiding sealing wads for your bottled products, then it could be one of your biggest mistakes. Absence of sealing wads from your products may lead to spillage and leaks. On the other hand, poor-quality sealing wads don’t guarantee safety of your products against duplication and are useless.

In order to safeguard the packaging of your bottled products it is highly recommended to use holographic induction sealing wads. These wads effectively prevent duplication and tampering of your products while eliminating the risk of spillage altogether. Due to the presence of high security features in these wads, it is impossible to copy/replicate them or tamper with the products in any way without making it obvious.

2. Keeps the contents of your product safe

Sealing wads help to keep the contents of your bottled products safe from spillage, leakage, adulteration, oxidation etc. Any negative impact on the contents impacts your product quality and sales. There could be chances that your procurement manager might overlook the use of sealing wads due to lack of knowledge and poor market research. However, it could be harmful for your product quality, profits and brand image in the long run.

Tightly sealed induction wads help to keep the contents of the product intact. Bottled products have to go through a lot of wear and tear in the supply chain. In such harsh environment wads perfectly preserve the quality of the contents of the products until they reach to the end-consumer.

3. Promotes your brand

Poor looking wads with bland designs are a big turnoff for your consumers. Cheap grade sealing wads without branding and aesthetics bring down the excitement of the consumer. Your consumers don’t just want a good quality product but are also lured by its attractive packaging.

Holographic induction sealing wads help to accentuate the branding of the product. Holographic wads are shiny and have unique designs to leverage brand value. While considering the different aspects of your packaging it is must to have an attractive sealing wad.

Holostik is an industry leader in providing state-of-the-art holographic induction sealing wads. Our sealing wads are made with high quality materials and can be customised as per your needs. Some of the security features of our wads include holography, track and trace, covert features etc.

To know more about our holographic sealing wads call us on +91–785-785-7000 or mail us at     

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Security holograms are an important part of product packaging and are used in many industries. They offer brand protection and boost aesthetics of your products. However, you may be making some mistakes while choosing a hologram supplier, which could lead to big financial losses for you in the future.

To make things easier for you, we have explained below the 4 big mistakes which you should completely avoid.

1. Not checking the supplier’s production quality

There are times when your procurement manager may skip to check the production quality of the hologram supplier. One of the main reasons behind is to compromise on quality for low costs. While holograms with very high costs are a financial burden, but quality holograms at affordable prices is a worthy deal. Moreover, choosing low quality holograms will not prevent duplication and may bring down your business manifolds.

Before choosing a hologram supplier for your business you should ask your procurement manager to analyse the production quality of the hologram supplier. Some important points which you should consider while making the check are quality of imaging, raw materials, adhesives, foils, slitting etc. This can help you to take the right decision while choosing a hologram supplier.

2. Skipping the sampling process

One big blunder your procurement manager can make is to skip the sampling process before choosing the hologram supplier. This can be harmful for your business and brand image. It may lead to a mismatch with your specific requirements and a complete waste of money. A thorough sampling process ensures that you get only the best product for your business.

You should ensure that your procurement team gets the samples of holograms from the supplier. Thereafter, your quality testing team should get into action for making an assessment and present a report on the same. The sampling report will make you confident enough to take the right decision for your business.

3. Not visiting the supplier’s manufacturing facility

It is highly recommended for your procurement team to visit the manufacturing facility of the supplier. Well, distance and time could be one of the reasons for avoiding the visit. However, considering the stakes involved, it should not be avoided at all.

Your procurement team should personally visit the manufacturing facility to have a look and feel of the ground situation. Many times, suppliers will try to fool you by showcasing their technical capabilities- blown out of proportions. You must stay alert against such deceptions and should personally analyse the equipment, raw materials and manufacturing process before taking the final call.

4. Overlooking the factor of customisation in holograms

Is your procurement manager considering the factor of customization in holograms? If he’s not, then he is making a grave mistake. There are high chances, that generic non-customised holograms cannot be applied on your products. Such holograms cannot be customised as per the shape of your products, the applicator and lack security features according to your specific requirements.

You should avoid such mistake and must ensure that your hologram supplier has the capability to offer customised holograms.

Holostik is one of the leading hologram suppliers in the world. We offer high quality customised holograms that don’t just safeguard your products but also enhance the visual appeal of your brand. We offer security holograms with overt, covert, track and trace, tamper evidence, nano optical images and many other security features. Our wide range of holograms are also available in different colours to match your brand aesthetics.

To know more about our security holograms, you can call us on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at

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Labels are important packaging products for most industries. Labels showcase important information related to the product and the brands. They also secure the product against duplication, tampering, and adulteration. With numerous label manufacturers available in Indiait has become a herculean task to identify the best. In order to simplify the process of selecting the best label manufacturers in Indiawe have explained the key points which you and your procurement manager should highly consider. 

1. Manufacturers who deliver high-quality labels at reasonable prices 

Your procurement manager may skip this important point before freezing the deal. Affordability is an important factor, but it should not be compromised with quality.    

Due to large number of label manufacturers in Indiait has become a daunting task to select the best. However, your procurement manager should always select a label manufacturer who offers high-quality labels at reasonable prices.  Successful label manufacturers will price their offerings reasonably in order to provide the highest quality. You should always stay away from a manufacturer who price their labels too low or too high 

2. Manufacturers who can provide inbuilt security features 

This is one of the key points which your procurement manager may overlook while choosing a label manufacturer. Products without security labels are like sitting ducks for forgers and criminals. Such products can be easily tampered, adulterated and copied. The sale of fake products in the market directly hits your company growth and brand image. We recommend you to stay away from label manufacturers who don’t deliver security features in the labels.   

It’s wise to take pre-emptive measures against fake products. For this packaging labels with inbuilt security features are the best. Your procurement manager should identify label manufacturers who provide packaging labels with brand protection features. Such labels can include holography, covert features, track and trace, and supply chain visibility.   

3. Manufacturer who offer customization 

Label manufacturers who don’t offer customized labels are a big no. As a manufacturer, you have specific requirements for your product labels. This can range from designs, shapes, tamper evidence, security features, and other important elements. Your procurement manager may skip the point of customization while sealing the deal. This could be very harmful to your company’s growth. 

Your procurement manager should give customization to the highest priority before selecting a label manufacturer. An ideal label manufacturer should always have the production capability to incorporate your specific needs in the labelsCustomized labels not only align with your brand image but also have the capability to offer rich customer experience.        

4. Manufacturers with high production capabilities    

Many timesyour procurement manager may overlook this important point while selecting a label manufacturer. Label manufacturers with incompetent production capabilities simply cannot meet your expectations. Your product packaging can suffer if your label supplier is not able to deliver the required quantity at the right time. This could affect your production and hamper your sales. Therefore, you should always assess the production capabilities of the label supplier before finalizing the deal.    

Holostik is a leading manufacturer of holographic packaging labels. We offer supreme quality labels made with high-quality raw materials and optimum manufacturing standards. Our labels can be customized as per your specific requirements. Our unique feature of offering integrated brand protection in the labels makes us stand out from the rest. Ware currently catering to more than 10,000 satisfied customers in 90+ countries 

To know more about our packaging labels, you can call us on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at      

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Labels are an important part of product branding. Good product labels reflect critical information as well as your brand values. However, with so many label suppliers in the market, it has become quite challenging to cut through the best 

To make things easy for youwe explain below the five qualities you should look for in label manufacturers.    

1. Security  

Product security is an important factorwhich your procurement officer might overlook before choosing a holographic label. There are high chances that he may give preference to affordability over brand protection. No wonder, choosing an affordable solution will save your moneybut will later risk your product’s security and may lead to huge monetary losses in the future 

If you fear to face this financial setbackthen your procurement officer should seriously consider the factor of brand protection in labels. He must ensure that the label supplier is offering customised security features in its offerings. Security features in labels can include holography, tamper evidence, security inks, security cuts, covert features, QR codes and much more. Also, your label supplier should be able to customise a wide range of security features as per your specific needs.                

2. Printing Quality  

Poorly printed packaging labels can ruin your brand image leaving a bad impression oyour customers. Labels with low print quality are difficult to read and don’t serve their purpose. This drastically brings down your brand image and may bring down your sales. Many timeswhile procuring packaging labels, you may not consider the quality of printing, but it should be kept on the top of your checklist 

For high quality printed labels your procurement officer should check for the types of printing machines, raw material of labels and the quality of inks used. 

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Industries like FMCG, pharmaceuticals, electronics and automotive find various applications of holographic hot stamping foils for their products. These stamping foils serve the purpose of branding as well as security. However, it is easy to make mistakes while choosing reliable stamping foil supplier. 

As online knowledge on the subject matter is limited, we are sharing below key findings of our market survey to help you make the right decision and choose the right holographic hot stamping foil supplier 

1. No background check on the supplier 

There are high chances that your procurement team might not do a complete background check on the hot stamping foil supplier. There is a possibility that your supplier might use poor quality raw materials, substandard machinery or follow low-quality production standards. All this may lead to an end-product which will be of low quality and a complete waste of your money. 

Your procurement team should always do a thorough background check on the supplier. This includes the quality and type of raw materials, manufacturing equipment, industry standards, etc. 

2. No sampling of the final product

This is one big mistake which procurement teams make quite often. Your team may finalize the order of the stamping foils without properly analyzing the samples. In order to avail high quality holographic hot stamping foils, your procurement manager must ask for a suitable sample from the supplier.  

Thereafter, your quality inspection team must do a complete analysis of the quality, costing and durability of the samples. This will ensure that you get a product that is of the highest quality, without any defect and cost-effective   

3. Compromise on quality

Low quality holographic hot stamping foilare of no use. If a stamping foil is not resistant to abrasion, oil, and chemicalsthen it surely does not serve your purpose. Your procurement team might make a mistake by compromising on the quality of the productWhile affordable stamping foils might look great at first glance, they may later not stand up to the harsh environment of the supply chain.  

Ensuring the quality of hot stamping foils should be of utmost concern for your procurement team. For your complete assuranceit is highly recommended that your team visits the manufacturing facility of the supplier.     

4. Limited customization

If you choose a holographic hot stamping foil that cannot be customized as per your needsyou are making a blunder.  Before choosing a stamping foil for your business you must check if it can be customized as per your needs. Your supplier might try to dupe you by selling you a product which doesn’t suit your exact requirements 

Your procurement team should ensure that the holographic hot stamping foil they are choosing is customizable for your products. This includes criteria like shape, size, design and security features of the hot stamping foil.  

5. Noncompatibility with applicators

Last, but certainly not least, stamping foils that cannot be applied properly on your products are not the right choice. Your procurement manager should do a complete assessment for applying the stamping foil on your product. Should it be done manually or by an applicator depends completely on your industry and product. Additionally, the type of applicator you are currently using will determine whether you need the final product in sheet or spool form. 

It is highly important to choose a stamping foil supplier that can fulfill your needs of customization and application 

Holostik is an industry leader when it comes to catering premium quality holographic hot stamping foils to different industries. We offer high grade customizable holographic hot stamping foils in unregistered and registered patterns. Our stamping foils can incorporate different security features and are highly durable to withstand the harsh conditions of your supply chain.  

To know more about our holographic hot stamping foils, call us now on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at 

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Bottled products need shrink sleeve labels for branding and security. However, the biggest challenge is to look for a shrink sleeve manufacturer who fulfils your specific needs.

There are many aspects of which procurement managers are not aware while choosing a shrink sleeves. These aspects are trade secrets of the packaging industry and being aware of these can work in favour of your business.

To make things easy, we have compiled below the secrets for choosing the right shrink sleeves manufacturer.

1. Durability

There is a high possibility that shrink sleeve labels on bottled products can get damaged in the supply chain. Products usually go through a lot of wear and tear while being transported. Poor quality shrink sleeves can easily get torn and scratched. This leads to a loss of important information printed on the label and also tarnishes your brand’s image.

Your procurement team should choose a shrink sleeve manufacturer that doesn’t compromise on quality. The manufacturer should use high-quality raw materials and comply with global standards of manufacturing to deliver the end product.

2. Branding & aesthetics

Manufacturers of bottled products can miss the aspect of branding and aesthetics while choosing a shrink sleeve. Shrink sleeves with poor branding and visual appeal will definitely bring down the sales of products.

Companies manufacturing bottled products should choose a shrink sleeve manufacturer that complies with high standards of branding and aesthetics. Always choose a shrink sleeve label that can showcase branding and aesthetics from all angles. Branding and aesthetics in shrink sleeve encompass customized holography, designs, colour, printing and much more.

3. Perfect fit

Shrink sleeves that can’t fit perfectly to unique shapes of bottle are useless. Manufacturers often overlook the point of perfect fit in shrink sleeves. A shabby, perforated and loosely fit shrink sleeve can bring down the product appeal and brand image. Shrink sleeve that fail to fit perfectly according to the shape of bottle will also fail in delivering the product information and brand value.

Your procurement officer should make it a point to select shrink sleeves that perfectly fit with your bottled product. It is highly recommended to check different types of samples before making the final decision. The sleeve label should fit tightly around the bottle without leaving any gaps or air bubbles. If it is a cap or neck sleeve, then it should fit tightly around the cap or neck of the bottle without a flaw.

4. Tamper proof

Shrink sleeve labels of poor quality are highly prone to tampering. Such sleeve labels can become a big reason for product adulteration and duplication.

While searching for best shrink sleeve manufacturers that offer brand security, companies must highly consider cap or neck sleeve labels. Any wicked move to tamper with such labels will alert the supply chain stakeholders. Moreover, cap or neck sleeves offer holistic branding and aesthetics just like normal shrink sleeve labels.

5. Authentication & track and trace

Shrink sleeves without brand protection features can be easily copied. Procurement managers make a big mistake if they ignore product safety measures. Generic shrink sleeves can be easily replicated and used to befool the innocent consumers.

As a manufacturer, you should give brand protection high importance. Holography and digital authentication deter counterfeiters from copying your products and its packaging. Besides, track and trace empower you to monitor products throughout the supply chain.

Holostik is the highest quality manufacturer of shrink sleeves and caters to different industries. We offer customized shrink sleeves in different variants like body and neck sleeve with printing, body and neck sleeves with holography and body and neck sleeves with printing and holography.

To know more about our shrink sleeves, call us now on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at

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As a manufacturer of bottled products, induction sealing wads play a key role in your product packaging. Your procurement team can often overlook important points while choosing the right induction sealing wads supplier for your products. While affordability is a big factor, there are many other qualities that must be present in the ideal sealing wads for your customized needs.

To make things easier, we have compiled a list of quality parameters below.

1. Water resistance

The biggest challenge with low-grade induction sealing wads is leakage. A wad is useless to a product if it can’t keep its content intact.

Make sure your provider uses high-quality materials in the production of sealing wads. The wads should have the quality to withstand water and stay undamaged. Such wads will surely prevent spillage and keep the contents of the product safe inside the bottle.

2. Security features

Generic wads can be easily copied and aid product duplication or brand piracy. A high-quality wad will also have features to prevent duplication and tampering of your products.

Always look out for security features in induction sealing wads. Security features can range from holography, security printing, product authentication and even track and trace functionality. Induction sealing wads with security features can increase your sales and growth by keeping your supply chain safe from illicit intrusion.

3. Aesthetic appeal

Poor looking wads are a big turnoff for the end-consumer. The wad seal is the last thing a consumer notices and interacts with before beginning product consumption. Unattractive sealing wads can leave a negative impression of your products, and thus diminish opportunities to increase repeat purchases.

Although easily overlooked, aesthetics is very important for every packaging layer of your products including induction sealing wads. An ideal wad will sport a customized brand design (extending even to its security features) and effective use of colors and printing. Induction sealing wads that are appealing can boost your brand’s image and multiply sales.

4. Non contamination

Wads made from inferior materials are unable to prevent contamination. If the contents of the product are not safe, then your money and time will definitely go down the drain.

It is important to ensure that the induction sealing wads you use for your products prevent any sort of material contamination or oxidation. A perfect sealing wad should act as a barrier against any form of contaminants present outside the product’s packaging. This helps to maintain the quality of the product in the market and ensure high customer satisfaction and retention.

Holostik can provide holographic wads, wads with lids, pressure-sensitive wads, peel-and-release wads and wads with in-built QR-code authentication and track & trace features among other offerings.

To know more about induction sealing wads call us now on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at  

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The distribution of fake medicines in the market spoils the brand image of pharma companies and leads to reduced sales. Continuous and unchecked counterfeiting of medicines can destroy pharma manufacturers and, more importantly, risk human lives.

Counterfeit medicines are rampant in Indian pharmaceutical marketplaces. Knockoffs of branded medicine can be found anywhere—from government pharmacies to big pharma stores and local drug outlets.

Problem of counterfeit medicines in India

According to a 2015 report by ASSOCHAM, 25% of medicines sold in India are either fake or of inferior quality. To quote a WHO report: “About 10.5% of medicines sold in low and middle-income countries, including India, are substandard and falsified.”

As one of the largest exporters of generic drugs and vaccines in the world, the Indian pharma industry accounts for every third dose of vaccine administered anywhere. Owing to concerns over bad reputation caused by the rampancy of fake medicines, the Indian government National Informatics Centre designed the “Drug Authentication and Verification Application” (DAVA) based on GS1 standards.

GS1-track & trace

GS1 standards make it possible to uniquely identify, capture and share important information on exported pharmaceuticals with regulators and patients, thereby further strengthening India’s reputation as a leading producer of quality and safe drugs.

“Benefits of GS1 track and trace for pharma companies”

Real-time information to authorities and patients

Provide real-time information to authorities and patients of pharmaceuticals manufactured in India.

Quick inspection of consignments

Pharma companies often face the challenge of slow movement through customs, both in India and abroad. Ensuring that your products are GS1-compliant will facilitate faster movement through customs by making it easy to scan barcodes and validating the data in DAVA.

Accuracy in dispatch processes

GS1 track and trace helps in efficient and automated FIFO (first in, first out) management and increases the accuracy of dispatch processes.

Competitive edge in the global market

Complying with the global and national regulations will provide Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers with a competitive edge in international markets.

International standing as a safe producer

Using GS1 standard track and trace will strengthen the international community’s confidence in India as a safe manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.

Consumer-end authentication

GS1 compliance will empower end-consumers to authenticate the final product and evaluate safety risks associated with counterfeits. As data becomes more complex, GS1 compliance allows pharma companies to ensure their global supply chain is easy to manage, accurate and reliable.

Holostik provides track and trace services to pharma companies in compliance with DAVA and GS1 standards to enhance supply chain visibility and efficiency.

To find out more, call us on +91–785-785-7000 or mail us at

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