Trade in counterfeit and pirated goods has risen steadily in the last few years – even as overall trade volumes stagnated – and now stands at 3.3% of global trade, according to a new report by the OECD and the EU’s Intellectual Property Office. Counterfeit goods have spread across multiple industries including apparel, accessories, automobile, education, government, banks, music, software, medications, liquor, cigarettes, consumer goods, toys, electronics and much more.

Counterfeiters take away the hard-earned money and reputation of legitimate companies by selling the fake and cheap replicas of their original products. With counterfeiting making its footprints deeper and marking its presence everywhere, the solutions to combat it have not only become necessary but mandatory. This is where the role of authentication technologies comes in.

Product authentication’s role is to ensure that a given product is genuine or counterfeit. It can take place at a single piece or at pallet formation or at higher aggregated levels also. As every product has different security requirements, therefore different solutions are needed to secure different products. Holostik is the ultimate leader in providing anti-counterfeiting products and solutions.

Holostik’s authentication technologies are applied in the three main areas of Anti-tampering, Anti-counterfeiting and Track and Trace technologies. These technologies can be categorized into Overt, Covert, Forensic or Digital.

  1. Overt Technologies – These can be viewed through naked eyes and are meant for fast, easy and on the spot visual authentication. These have features built into labels, documents, packaging along with dynamic visual effects.
  2. Covert Technologies – To verify their presence and validity, a special reader or a detector is required. These include ultraviolet and infrared inks, micro text unique synthetic tagging etc.
  3. Forensic Technologies – They are not readily recognizable and require special tools for detection and validation. These are taken to a laboratory with specialized equipment for validation.
  4. Digital Technologies – These require an electronic means for detection and validation. These are mostly associated with RFID tags or with serialized numbers that can be compared to a remote database.

The company uses special features and techniques like security inks, serial numbers, raster films, covert laser readable features, taggants, talking pen, scratches, E-beam and dot matrix origination and dot matrix technology.

These technologies are extremely difficult to copy or imitate and are prepared using expensive and updated machines and soft wares and are operated by experts of this domain. Holostik provides inimitable security solutions and aims to integrate innovation and technology to protect the value of their partners’ brands and in the process, create a more secure world.

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